It is no longer that the COVID-19 pandemic has persisted beyond initial speculations, and at the moment, a lot of cases are still being recorded every day in most countries of the world. As a result of this, the general health standard is being compromised and individuals are having to devise means of staying healthy without a few trips to the doctor’s office, or better still the hospital.
This is a very critical time indeed for the immune system, and stating the need to boost this aspect of human living, would be a major understatement. In most parts of the world, asides the general panic people are experiencing, there is a fear of the unknown, which if not curbed, could lead to various unwanted ailments, through the abuse or misuse of certain supplements or medications.
There is nothing that beats natural remedies, hence to stay fit and healthy, here are some things you should be practicing alongside social distancing;
Stick To Home Made Meals:
Watching what you eat, couldn’t be more necessary than it is right now. Asides the fact you are rest assured of the ingredients of the food, it also clears the unwanted doubt from ordering from a restaurant or eating a random meal brought in from outside your home.
Besides the health benefits, it also helps you pay attention to what you need, want, and ultimately what your body rejects so that in turn, you can make adjustments to your meal plan. Peradventure you experience stomach upset as a result of eating spicy homemade food, all you need to do is cut down on the quantity in your next meal, rather than the natural fear this would produce if it was ordered.
Away from the health benefits of sticking to homemade meals, do you know it is relatively cheaper than restaurant take-outs? Yes, it is. It gives more reason to stay true to cooking your own meals, and at the same time smiling to the bank.
Stay True To Fresh Fruits And Vegetables:
Although this is a valid point, you might want to strictly stick to vegetables that can be cooked during this period for safety purposes. However, if you are sure of the source of your supply of fruits and vegetables, then go ahead and indulge yourself a little, or if you like, a whole lot.
To boost your immune this period, you need fruits and vegetables that contain a lot of vitamins, just as they naturally should, however, if you are looking for those with higher ratios of a certain vitamin, you might want to look it up before making your choice on which to get.
The good thing about fresh fruits and vegetables is that there are different ways to prepare and/or serve which increases the craving for it sometimes.
Stay Hydrated:
Water is a class of food on its own, and it also has amazing benefits and makes a lot of contribution to your staying healthy. While it does a general job of detoxifying the system, it also helps to maintain a natural system balance, if taken in the right proportion. You do not have to thirst for it before you take it. It has always been advised to take at least a glass of water when you wake up in order to get the body ready for the day’s activities.
Water is essential to every living thing, and the wonders it does to the body are simply innumerable. Always have a bottle of water beside you, and if you think you cant keep up with the consistency of drinking, you can set a timer as desired.
Limit Sugar Intake:
Considering the fact that our daily activities are being limited due to the enforcement of the social distancing rules in most cities, too much intake of sugar could pose a major health risk, as there are little avenues to burn off the high intake of such.
If you naturally have a craving for sugar, why not substitute with a smoothie or another fruit that gives you an equal amount of joy? Taking sugar during this period should be discouraged, as you would want your body to stay strong, just in case it needs to fight off some unwanted bodies.
Practice Personal Hygiene:
The need to practice personal hygiene for healthy living cannot be overemphasized at this period . This is the time you need to stay clean and fresh and get rid of waste per time. Just in case you feel lazy doing this at any time, always remember that the virus is still very much around, and keeping personal hygiene can help limit the spread to your household.
Wash your hands regularly, use a sanitizer of you cannot access soap and clean water, and use your nose masks if you must go out. If you are in the habit of piling up your laundry, then this is the time to get over such a habit. Remember that by staying clean and safe, you are also protecting others around you as well.
Lastly, this is just a phase, we all have to go through, very soon, it will be all over, and we would be able to hold hands again and see all our loved ones. Till then, remain safe and stay healthy.